Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winner of The Third Birthday Celebration!

Well, first of all sorry for the announce delay..

So, let's just straight to the respective matter - The Third Birthday Celebration. Towards the end, there are four contestants. And, as stated in the banner above, I'm looking for THREE winners. However, I have decided that I would love to reward ALL the four contestants as a little token of appreciation in wishing Diyadeary's birthday.

Yes! That means, everyone of them will received gifts from Diyadeary - notepad, cards and bookmarks! Photo of gifts will shared soon, once everyone had received their respective gifts!

Anyway, I already have all the emails except for Nurul Alia.. Nurul Alia, please contact me with your email ya? Thanks so much..

So ladies, thank you so much again for the effort to wish us with those inspiring birthday wishes ladies! Hope you'll love your gifts from Diyadeary... *smile*

Lots of loves,

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