Please spread the news, mark the date on your calender, and bring along as much friends and family members you could bring to the Bazaar.. ♥ ♥
We excited to meet everyone.. See you later dearies!
Yeahhhh... It's finally here!
My very first guestbook! Haha..
Anyway, the design is not that vast. Biasa-biasa je. Remember it's my first time?
I used a red velvet wrapper full of fern motives. Then the velvet texture gave the guestbook looks expensive. So I didn't decorate much, just the couple names, some love and fake crystal embellishments. And it was bind with metal comb binding.
Talking about binding method, I can't wait to learn stitching binding from my dad. Yeah, he's an expert but only now I get excited to learn. Ntah apa-apa kan? *grin* By the way, didn't I tell you my dad used to be a secondary school art teacher?
Enjoy. Have a great weekend! ♥
Apparently my tomorrow is 35 days later. Yawn.
There were so many things happened within that period - my laptop went haywire which really turned me off. It went shut down every after 5 minutes being switched on. Only after a month I realised it was something to do with the laptop setting.~. Someone (maybe) has played me for a fool. Sigh. Sabar jelah.
You've read it.
It's almost the end of the year 2011. It also means almost the end terms of schooling and classes. Examination is around the corner. For those who will be sitting for their examination soon, good luck and all the best from me.. *smile*