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This card was requested by Fakhrul. The details he wanted were sorry theme card with "Syazana" displayed on the front and any colour will do except for blue. Top of that, he wanted me to write some message inside which I did it using my hand writing.
Well, it was pretty easy for me to do this card since I have the freedom to play around and experimenting with colour combinations. Finally I ended up with white, mustard yellow, little bit of coral peach and several range of purple colour.
I'm so like the mustard yellow now. It's like the new black for me! Hehe... And what triggered me to use purple was because of "Syazana". Well, I think everyone do have some colours which will remind you to someone, don't you?
My previous room mate in UM, Shazana Hashim loves purple so much! Writing this, made me miss her so much. My mom always refer her as Nasha Aziz, the model. That was what she felt when the first time she met my dear Shazana.
"Which Shazana?"
Well, I have couple of friends name Shazana. So, my mom tends to confuse easily. Sometimes my mom even mixed up Shazana and Syazwana. Hahaha. Thus, she needs one mark to easily recognize which friend I talked about.
"My UM's room mate."
"The one like Nasha Aziz isn't it?"
Okay, enough about Shazana.
Fakhrul came back to me with a great news. Alhamdulillah. I'm so happy for him. I wish they will have a great journey together. InsyaAllah.
Now, please enjoy the card ladies and gentlemen!
S0003 - Sorry Syazana
Size is 21cm x 14.5cm
Horizontal folded
Lots of loves,