Morning! Rinse and shine... It's a brand new week, guys!
I was't feeling very well yesterday. So, the weekend was all about resting and recovering. Thus no post has been up for the past two days.
By the way. graduation festive is in the air. It's the time again where students reap their hard work rewards! Well, at least to my brother.
He had his diploma graduation last Saturday. I felt so bad since I couldn't made it to his big day as he did to mine. Hmm.. I was sorry and told him that I will attend to his degree convocation no matter what happen. InsyaAllah. He'll pursue his degree within this year and should finished within four or maximum in ten years. Yes, it's gonna be a long wait but I hope I'll live that long! *smile*
So, the morning before the ceremony started, I texted him. Just to get him visualised I was there virtually for him. *smirk* I congratulated him and made a promise to cook him, his favourite spaghetti once I got the chance later. Hee...
Happy graduation to my brother and to you my dear! And the rest who graduated too!!

Size is 20cm x 10.5cm
Vertical folded
Lots of loves,