July is here. It's second day of the month already. Well, enough of rest, need to get back to work mode now.
So, we did joined I ♥ Bazaar, Subang Parade for the second time on the last 23rd and 24th June 2012. This time, we went low profile. We didn't made any official announcement for the event. We just went opened the booth and waited to meet the people excitedly.
Anyway, our very close friends did a surprise visit! They came with a box of Pavlova. What a lovely treat! So sweet of them...
On the other note, compared to the first bazaar this time we were more prepared with lots of products and displays. Enjoy the pictures!
A special thank you to everyone who dropped by our booth last weeks; whether to purchase one of our products or just to say hello. We appreciated it so much and enjoyed meeting all of you...
And, to everyone else, thank you so much for all the continued support!!
Lots of loves,