Friday, September 13, 2013

Pure Gratitude

Assalamualaikum.. Hello and good morning!


You don't have to refresh, it's still Diyadeary. Still the same blog, but with new header, new blog color and simpler template compared to before.

I'd been meaning to change the layout since early this year but haven't got the chance since I was occupied with works. However, it was last night when I'd suddenly decided to chance the Facebook photo cover of Diyadeary...and continued tweaking this blog as well.

I'm so into white nowadays hence I choose white for most of the things. So, how is it? Nicer? Cleaner?

Anyway, the "It's 27 (ringgit only)" promotion has ended last night. Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much for the overwhelming responses. InsyaAllah, there will be more promotions will be organized from time to time!

I do hope the supports will be continued for Diyadeary in future...

Once again, thank you so much!

Lots of loves,

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Copyright © 2013: DIYADEARY
Design by: Diya | Blogger template: Minima